I know I haven't posted in a while, but whew, mommy-hood is taking its toll on my life! The honeymoon is definitely over and we are in full parenthood swing! Speaking of swing, the boys started baseball this spring and both played their first games this week. We were victorious in both, which made the start to the season a little sweeter for the boys! Brandon's team about gave us "dugout moms" heart attacks, however Cody's team didn't give up a run. Brandon plays hind catcher and Cody center field. coaches in Chad Minton and Shaun Stice. We feel very fortunate the boys are on their teams. Here are a few pics of my little sluggers! Go Reds and Tigers!

Here's Cody before his first game!

Cody got my lucky number 7! He's so proud of his Cassady 7 jersey!

Here's my biggest little slugger and me. I want to get more in game shots, but I am too into the game to take pictures!
My littlest little slugger.

Still wondering when those teeth will come in!
Here's another one for Eli and Brandon's graduation party picture collage! Don't you love Brandon's smushed up ears?!?!
Your little sluggers are adorable!! Several kids from church are on The Reds team so I plan to come watch a game or two...looking forward to seeing Cody play!